FRAXA Ingenuity Award
Dr. Elizabeth Berry-Kravis
The Ingenuity Award recognizes an innovative approach to moving Fragile X research forward despite challenges and insurmountable odds.
FRAXA Global Champion Award, presented by Zynerba Pharmaceuticals
Dr. Sumantra “Shona” Chattarji
The Global Champion Award recognizes an individual with a longstanding commitment to the Fragile X community and who exemplifies global leadership in research, awareness efforts and advocacy.
FRAXA Dedication Award, presented by Fragile X Association of Georgia and Fragile X Association of Australia
Dr. Randi Hagerman
The Dedication Award recognizes longstanding, unwavering commitment to Fragile X translational research and to strengthening the Fragile X scientific community.
FRAXA Global Vision Award, presented by Healx
Dr. Qionger “Q” He
The Global Vision Award recognizes inventiveness that shines a light on Fragile X syndrome.