31 Nights of Light with FRAXA Research Foundation

Prudential Center

Each year the Boston Prudential Center hosts a 31 Nights of Light event throughout the month of December. Each night, a different charity is chosen and invited to the Center to raise awareness for their cause. This year, FRAXA Research Foundation was selected!

At five o’clock on the evening of December 4th, 2019, the Prudential Center Tower in downtown Boston lit up teal for Fragile X awareness. We set up a table in the middle of Center Court with educational materials on Fragile X syndrome and teal wrist bands to share with passersby. We are so grateful that Dr. Mark Bear, Picower Professor of Neuroscience at MIT, was able to attend. Not only did he join us in flipping the switch to light the tower, but he was able to say a few words about FRAXA and Fragile X research.

We would also like to thank Boston Properties for enabling FRAXA to raise awareness in one of the busiest buildings in Boston! 31 Nights of Light was a great way to educate passersby in Boston and bring families together this holiday season. There is plenty to be thankful for this year!