Built Jobsite BBQ Raising Funds for Fragile X Research

Jason, a Built employee, worked with his team to host a BBQ at one of their construction sites to benefit FRAXA Research Foundation. Built, one of Australia’s largest private construction groups, has a reputation for being client focused. Their personal touch extends not only to their clients but to their employees, too, as Jason and Belinda D’Amico experienced personally after their boys, Jaxson and Alex, were diagnosed with Fragile X syndrome.

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Patrick’s PALS Still Shines Strong Even in the Face of COVID

PALS Committee

Patrick’s PALS 25th Annual 3-on-3 Basketball Tournament & Fundraiser was once again relegated to “Fundraiser Only” status in 2021. BUT, and it’s a BIG but, the spirit, generosity and devotion of so many to this event still shined through. Over $140,000 was raised through a mail campaign, all of it of course going to FRAXA to continue to advance research that will someday lead to effective treatments and ultimately a cure.

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