In conjunction with World Fragile X Day 2021, FRAXA Research Foundation is proud to recognize its annual award recipients. This year’s recipients exemplify the perseverance and dedication that has made FRAXA a global leader in Fragile X research for nearly 30 years. We are fortunate to partner with these individuals on research, community support and awareness efforts.
Read moreHagerman, Randi
Randi Hagerman, MD, Medical Director at UC Davis MIND Institute and Distinguished Professor/Endowed Chair in Fragile X Research at UC Davis School of Medicine, has a long history in Fragile X research. She and her team discovered the Fragile X-associated tremor/ataxia syndrome and co-founded the National Fragile X Foundation in 1984.
Melatonin Clinical Trial in Fragile X

With a $60,000 grant from FRAXA Research Foundation from 1998-1999, Dr. Randi Hagerman and her team at the University of California studied the effects of different compounds on individuals with Fragile X syndrome, focusing specifically on melatonin. Results published.
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