Contacting Your Member of Congress to Advocate for Fragile X Research

fragile x advocacy

Email or Letter

Handwritten letters always receive more attention than preprinted materials. So if you are writing about a general inquiry or topic, taking the extra time to send a physical letter may be worth it. That said, consider the urgency of the matter. If you are writing concerning a pending vote, email is your best option as security screenings may delay receipt of a physical letter by up to three weeks.

What happens to emails and letters once they arrive? A legislative correspondent reads the messages and verifies if the sender is a constituent. Messages are then routed or tallied:

  • Important or compelling correspondence is given to a legislative assistant.
  • Unique and moving messages are shared with the member of Congress.
  • A summary of emails and letters received is given at an issue briefing before a vote.

It’s usually best to send letters to the representative from your local Congressional District or the senators from your state. Your vote helps elect them — or not — and that fact alone carries a lot of weight. It also helps personalize your letter. Sending the same “cookie-cutter” message to every member of Congress may grab attention but rarely much consideration.

Addressing your letter

When addressing your letter, use the following format:

For Your Senator:

The Honorable (full name)
(Room Number) (Name) Senate Office Building
United States Senate
Washington, D.C. 20510

Dear Senator (last name):

For Your Senator:

The Honorable (full name)
(Room Number) (Name) Senate Office Building
United States Senate
Washington, D.C. 20510

Dear Senator (last name):

The above addresses should be used in email messages, as well as those sent through the Postal Service.

Fragile X Advocacy Talking Points for Phone, Letter or Email

Reaching out to your member of congress will make an impact on Fragile X advocacy. Here are talking points you should include in your outreach.

  1. Name and where you are from.
  2. How you are connected to Fragile X. You are a parent/grandparent/sibling of someone with Fragile X syndrome. Be sure to share their name and age.
  3. How the recent Fragile X Advocacy news affects you and your family and/or Fragile X research in general.
  4. Share some general information about Fragile X.
    Fragile X syndrome (FXS) is the most common inherited cause of autism and intellectual disabilities. It affects 1 in 4,000 boys and 1 in 6,000 girls worldwide.
  5. State the specific ask. We will usually provide this for you in bold.
  6. If desired, ask if you can follow up with a local meeting.
  7. Thank them for their time.

Fragile X Advocacy Talking Points for Phone, Letter or Email

Take the Next Step, Contact your Member of Congress

Identify your members of Congress

  1. Visit’s Find Your Members tool.
  2. Enter your full address to identify your members of Congress.
  3. The results will provide a telephone number, or you can click each member’s “Contact” button for more options, including email.

Tips for Writing your Member of Congress

Write letters only about the issues of greatest importance to you. That way you don’t dilute your influence or your message. Each letter should be:

  • Direct
    State your subject clearly in the email subject line or first sentence of the letter. Stick to just one issue in the letter.
  • Informative
    Identify yourself as a constituent. State your views, support them with your expert knowledge and, when appropriate, cite the bill number of relevant legislation (e.g., H.R. 1234 or S.3456).
  • Inquiring
    Ask for the policymaker’s point of view and how he or she plans to vote on relevant legislation. Expect an answer to a letter, though it may be a form response. Replies to email vary by office; not all reply.
  • Factual & Courteous
    Rely on the facts, but personalize the issue. Explain how the issue affects your life. Avoid personal attacks, threats of political influence or demands.
  • Constructive
    Be positive about your issue and offer recommendations about how you want the member to address concerns.
  • Specific
    Always explain the hometown relevance of the issue. Use “I” statements and cite specific times and examples.
  • Helpful
    Offer to provide additional information if needed, and provide your contact information.
  • Appreciative
    Remember to thank members for their attention. Follow the issue and thank them later if they vote your way.
  • Concise
    Keep your letter to one page, or your email to 500 words or less.

If you have any questions or comments about contacting your member of congress or you want some guidance or help, reach out to Katie Clapp via email at