Educating Young Children with Fragile X Syndrome

When a team of elementary school teachers and therapists asked us to share strategies for working with young children who have Fragile X syndrome, we developed this session featuring tips, techniques, and stories. Katie Clapp, co-founder of FRAXA Research Foundation and parent of a young man with Fragile X, and Tracy Antonelli, whose two teenage boys have Fragile X, present this session to help teachers assist their students.

Fragile X syndrome is a truly unique disorder in many ways. We have learned a lot about learning styles and particular strengths and interests that people with Fragile X tend to share. We know which educational strategies to emphasize and which ones to avoid.

We hope you find this helpful. If your school is interested in a customized session, please contact Katie Clapp at

Parts of the presentation were adapted from “Top Ten Things for teachers to know about Fragile X” by H. Laurie Yankowitz, EdD, Yankowitz Consulting, Developmental Disability and Fragile X Specialist