19th Annual Fragile X Poker Run
Friends and Family
Mikey, Dana and I invite you to join us to raise funds in support of FRAXA in their mission to find effective treatments and ultimately a cure for Fragile X syndrome, the number one cause of inherited intellectual disability and the most common cause of autism.
August 2-4 will see us return to the awesome Alleghaney Inn in Sparta, NC, approximately 7 miles off the Blue Ridge Parkway. Last year was by far our most successful and we are truly grateful for everyone’s support!
Same construct as prior years, arrival Friday with live music, auction items and good “cheer”. Saturday morning registration for the Run at 11am. The ride itself, which is NOT limited to motorcycles, traverses beautiful scenic roads for 95 miles with 3 stops prior to return, followed by catered dinner, live music and additional auction items.
I have the entire Inn reserved, so no need to contact them. Simply respond soonest to this email and let me know if you’re coming and any specific room requests (single or double).
Any questions call me at (703) 946-3242.