Gordon Research Seminar 2024 Fragile X and Autism-Related Disorders
Intersection of Basic and Translational Research to Understand Fragile X and ASDs
The Gordon Research Seminar on Fragile X and Autism-Related Disorders is a unique forum for graduate students, post-docs, and other scientists with comparable levels of experience and education to present and exchange new data and cutting edge ideas.
This year's focus is on showcasing exceptional research conducted by early-career scientists in the areas of basic, translational, and clinical studies related to Fragile X Syndrome and autism spectrum disorders. The seminar aims to unite researchers from various disciplines to explore advancements in Fragile X research, promoting a collaborative environment conducive to the exchange of ideas, methodologies, and protocols. Additionally, the meeting is committed to enhancing scientific networking, fostering new collaborations, and facilitating mentorship, thereby contributing significantly to the advancement of Fragile X and ASD research.