FMRP Function in the Xenopus Visual System

FMRP Function in the Xenopus Visual System

Holly Cline, PhD, at Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, FRAXA research grant

Holly Cline, PhD
Principal Investigator

Jennifer Bestman, PhD
FRAXA Fellow

Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory
Cold Spring Harbor, NY

2003-2004 Grant Funding: $75,000


Dr. Holly Cline and her team at Cold Spring Harbor Labratory studied Fragile X proteins and related mRNAs in tadpoles.

The Science

by Jennifer Bestman, 6/1/2003

Dr. Jennifer Bestman started her first Fragile X study in Holly Cline’s lab with FRAXA funding in 2003. This research group is examining the normal role of FMRP using tadpoles as a model (when multiple model systems yield similar results, the perceived weight of the evidence produced is much greater). So far, they have shown that FMRP and associated proteins and translation factors are involved in the development of neurons in tadpoles. They now plan to explore the effects of pharmacologic interventions in this model system.

Dr. Bestman is expressing fluorescently-tagged Fragile X protein, along with other proteins involved in mRNA regulation, in neurons in the optic tectum of the tadpoles. Since the tadpoles are transparent, she can use time-lapse 2-photon microscopy to capture changes in the structure of individual developing neurons in the living animal, over a period of minutes to days. Because the optic tectum is the area of the brain where visual information is first received and processed, she is testing how visually-induced synaptic activity to neurons and Fragile X protein-dependent protein synthesis interact to control the morphological development of these neurons.

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