October 25, 2017 Update:
In Their Own Words: Reports From the International Fragile X Workshop
Today the 18th International Fragile X and Related Neurodevelopmental Disorders Workshop kicks off in Quebec, Canada. For the next six days, scientists from around the world will gather at this workshop to focus on recent breakthroughs in our understanding of Fragile X, autism spectrum disorders (ASD), and related neurodevelopmental disorders. This biennial meeting has been instrumental to the discovery of many disease-causing genes and the development of therapeutic strategies for these disorders.
FRAXA co-founder, Dr. Michael Tranfaglia, will kick off the conference this afternoon, introducing friend of FRAXA, Jeannie Lee, MD, PhD, of Harvard Medical School who has a grant for her work aimed at reactivating the Fragile X gene. FRAXA Research Foundation is proud to be a Platinum sponsor for this workshop, bringing in all the Fragile X speakers.
In 1983, scientists from around the world were invited to the 1st International Workshop on Fragile X to share genomic mapping data in pursuit of the gene that causes Fragile X, which was discovered in 1991, at the fifth meeting. The conference continued to grow throughout the “molecular genetics era” until the present day.
At this meeting we look forward to Ovid Therapeutics’ presentation of preclinical data on their experimental new drug for Fragile X. Our friends at Fulcrum Therapeutics, the Fragile X Research Foundation of Canada, the Fondation Arthur Bruneau, and many universities around the world will be present.