FRAXA Grants: Final Report Guidelines

FRAXA Grants: Final Report Guidelines

For every FRAXA-funded project, we require a scientific report within three months following the award period.

In your final report, address the following questions

  1. Please refer to the goals stated in your original proposal. What progress has been made toward these original goals? Have any goals (or parts thereof) been altered or abandoned, and why? Have you obtained unexpected results apart from your original goals?
  2. Describe any technical obstacles encountered in pursuit of your research goals. Can these be overcome within the constraints of the current grant? If not, what could FRAXA Research Foundation do in the future to facilitate this type of research?
  3. How will your results enhance future prospects for treatment of Fragile X? How do you plan to follow up on these results to further enhance potential treatment for Fragile X?
  4. In what ways have you communicated your findings to other researchers (ie presentations/publications)? Are you planning any collaborations with other scientists based on you current findings? Have you shared any of the reagents involved in this work with others in the field; if not, are you willing to do so?
  5. FRAXA grants are designed to jump-start promising new projects to make them competitive for other sources of funding, such as the National Institutes of Health. Have you applied to other funding sources for support? If not, do you expect to apply to other funding sources in the near future?
  6. Have you made efforts to commercialize your findings? Please supply details if possible.

Keeping Your FRAXA Page Current

FRAXA’s website includes a page for each investigator, and we would like to keep this page updated as much as possible. Please visit your FRAXA page and provide us with updates as often as possible and at least once yearly during the grant period. Interesting updates might include papers published, new Fragile X projects initiated, updated photos, and scientific diagrams.

Please email reports and updates to both Michael Tranfaglia, MD, at and Katie Clapp at