Hope for the Holidays Gala Helps Advance Fragile X Research

2018 Hope for the Holidays (12)

On December 8, 2018, a sold-out crowd of 250 people gathered for the 3rd Annual Hope for the Holidays Gala at the Café Escadrille in Burlington, MA, to raise funds for Fragile X research. This wonderful event was organized and hosted by the Pierce Family Fragile X Foundation and its founders Michael and Kathan Pierce, family and friends. For the third year in a row, the Pierces presented a check for $100,000 to FRAXA Research Foundation! We are truly grateful for this ongoing, generous support of our mission to find effective treatments and ultimately a cure for Fragile X.

Michael and Kathan founded the Pierce Family Fragile X Foundation “to fund dedicated research, development of treatments, and community awareness in support of finding a cure for Fragile X syndrome affecting our beautiful boys, Graham and Reid Pierce.” Over the past 3 years, the foundation has donated $300,000 to support FRAXA research projects and were involved directing funds towards research at Massachusetts General HospitalBoston Children’s Hospital and Tufts University. Kathan Pierce also serves as a member of the FRAXA Board of Directors and will be honored later this month by the NFL’s New England Patriots Foundation after being named a 2018 Patriots Difference Maker of the Week.

The Pierce family has long, deep roots in Medford, MA. Their guiding theme — “it takes a village to find a cure” — is evidenced by the fact that so many of their family and friends work tirelessly to put on this event and reach out to their community for financial support. It is truly remarkable to see 250 people come together to celebrate, dance, participate in the silent and live auctions, and support the fragile X community.

Thank you to everyone for advancing Fragile X research!