Prospects For Gene Therapy in the Fragile X

Prospects For Gene Therapy in the Fragile X

Mario Rattazzi, MD
Principal Investigator

New York State Institute for Basic Research
Staten Island, NY

2000-2002 FRAXA Research Grant
$90,000 over 3 Years


With a $90,000 grant from FRAXA Research Foundation from 2000-2002, Dr. Mario Rattazzi at the New York State Institute for Basic Research explored ways to transfer the FMR1 gene across the blood-brain-barrier in normal rats and mice, and then in FMR1 knockout mice. Results published.

The Science

Dr. Rattazzi’s research was aimed at exploring ways to transfer the FMR1 gene across the blood-brain-barrier in normal rats and mice, and then in FMR1 knockout mice. The techniques he studied with FRAXA funding were 1)to use a fragment of the HIV Tat protein to target the DNA-carrying vectors to the neucleus of neurons and 2) to use the adeno-associated virus as a vehicle to carry vectors.

Dr. Rattazzi published a review article in 2004: Prospects for gene therapy in the Fragile X syndrome

Sadly, Dr. Mario Rattazzi passed away in the summer of 2004 after a battle with cancer.

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Global Leader in Fragile X Research

FRAXA-funded researchers around the world are leading the way towards effective treatments and ultimately a cure.

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