From the bottom of our hearts, thank you. In a year filled with so much uncertainty, you truly rose to the occasion. From creating Facebook fundraisers to sharing why you give back, each one of you made a difference. With the help of our dedicated supporters and gifts from over 150 amazing donors, FRAXA Research Foundation raised $70,047 on #GivingTuesday. We also received matching gifts totalling $100,000, thanks to:
In just 24 hours, we were able to raise a total of $170,047 to advance Fragile X research — almost enough to fund four year-long research grants! We cannot thank you enough for giving your time and gifts; it’s truly an honor to have you support our mission. New fellowship proposals from researchers around the world will arrive at FRAXA headquarters by February 1, 2021, so you will very soon see the results of your support.
Without you, we would not be able to fund groundbreaking research. We would not be able to see the successes of clinical trials and the promise of targeted therapies. We would not be able to see all the joy that breakthroughs in the science bring our families. Without you, none of this would be possible. Thank you.