New Fragile X Clinical Trial Announced by Healx

Healx’s AI-driven approach makes finding the right combination therapies more efficient, cost-effective, and rapidly ready for testing at FRAXA-DVI. It was this process that has brought Healx to its recent announcement sharing that it has received Investigational New Drug (IND) approval from the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for the Phase 2a clinical study of HLX-0201 (sulindac, an FDA-approved drug).

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Meet Matthew!

Meet #FriendofFRAXA Matthew! He is in his final year of school and has always been enthusiastic about his education. He has faced each day with a positive attitude while being friendly and outgoing. Those who meet Matt say he leaves a lasting impression on them. He has been called “The Mayor”, as everyone knows and remembers Matthew where ever goes.

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Brain Organoids, Moving Fragile X Research Forward

There are many ways research produces discoveries, and all of them include a process of steps that build on each other. When an exciting new avenue appeared with potential for Fragile X syndrome, FRAXA stepped up to fund it. We now see the results of this grant and are excited to share them with you. The importance of different types of models have been shared and discussed over many years. We are now adding a “brain organoid” model to this group, and the potential behind it is really exciting.

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Synaptogenix Announced Intention to Launch a Fragile X Clinical Trial with Bryostatin

Fragile X Clinical Trials

One of the most exciting kinds of work that FRAXA does is following the journey of an experimental new treatment until it is ready for trials in people with Fragile X. From an initial idea, through the development process, to clinical trials, FRAXA helps out all along the way. From an initial idea, through the development process, to clinical trials, FRAXA helps out all along the way. The recent announcement by Synaptogenix is a great example of how FRAXA funding and use of FRAXA-DVI can accelerate research on Fragile X.

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Educating Young Children with Fragile X Syndrome

Educating Young Children with Fragile X

When a team of elementary school teachers and therapists asked us to share strategies for working with young children who have Fragile X syndrome, we developed this session featuring tips, techniques, and stories. Katie Clapp, co-founder of FRAXA Research Foundation and parent of a young man with Fragile X, and Tracy Antonelli, whose two teenage boys have Fragile X, present this session to help teachers assist their students.

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Boys Basketball Fundraiser Kicks Off The Season of Giving

On Saturday morning, November 17, 60 boys, their parents and a bunch of volunteers gathered in Newton, MA for the 3rd annual 3 on 3 basketball tournament, sponsored by the Newton Athletic Association (NAA), a program of Newton Community Education. The event is a fun competition of teams of three players competing for bragging rights of which team is king of the local youth basketball program.

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Longitudinal Study of Children with Fragile X

With a $30,000 grant from FRAXA Research Foundation in 2000, Dr. Don Bailey and his team at the University of North Carolina studied the longitudinal development of children, with a focus on educational strategies and development of language. They have contributed greatly to our understanding of the course of Fragile X over a lifetime, as well as the frequency of autism and other behavioral complications in the Fragile X population.

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